Wednesday, June 27, 2012

The Battle That Comes - Poetry

Once again we are joined by Rev. James with a moving poem about the battles we wage.  Won't you share your thoughts, and link up your own poetry to share? Bless you!

The Battle That Comes

There is a Battle ahead,
It is not waged with guns or bombs on some distant battlefield.
Instead it is waged in the hearts of us all.
The weapons used are apathy, lusts and despair.

The enemy is old and cunning,
He does not attack us with fierce offences.
But rather he gives us what we think we want.
For his fangs inject deep and the poison takes years before it destroys.

Our General and Lord doesn't shout commands or orders,
Nor does He hide behind lines of helpless victims or solders.
Rather He calls us to gather together.
Then He goes and fights the war.

There are no worries or concerns of His defeat,
For written in the long history back we see that He has already won the war.
So wake up all you soldiers of Christ.
For the battle that comes is waged by the same Christ, that is within you.

Share your links for faith poetry.  Be sure to visit those who shared here and leave them some love.


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Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Wednesday Poetry Praise

Let's try something different this week, I'm going to share a photo with you.  Let it inspire you, and share your poetry here!

Looking forward to seeing your poetry, link up is live and below!

Bright blessings!

Share your links for faith poetry.  Be sure to visit those who shared here and leave them some love.



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Monday, June 18, 2012

Rain Cloud Promises

Seeds go to ground.  Some on good ground, others not.  Jesus used this lesson to teach sowing the gospel.

Rain falls from leaden skies.  Sometimes just enough. Sometimes too much, others not enough.  When the fires rage it is never enough, when the land is saturated even one more drop can be too much.

It is a delicate balance with drought on one end and flood on the other.  Yet, no matter how many times it seems like we are facing one extreme or another, God mercifully brings us back to the middle, back into balance.  If we let Him.

If we can let the seeds grow without digging them up to see what they are doing.

If we can let the rain fall without cursing the sky.

If we can trust the seeds and the storms to God's ultimately capable and holy hands.

Joel 2:21
Fear not, O land; be glad and rejoice: for the LORD will do great things.

and when I feel small, smaller than the rain. 

Unheard.  Even ignored.  I remember this:

Matthew 10:31
Fear ye not therefore, ye are of more value than many sparrows.

More than sparrows.  Me?  Me!  You? Yes, YOU!

So I sow seeds in prayer, water them in tears.  Waiting for God to grow something amazing!  Waiting.  Waiting.  Why?  Because He never breaks His word, not a single word.  Ever.

Enjoy the lightning, smile even! Could be God is taking your photo, and He adores you!

Dance in the rain.  Plant seeds.  Rest.  

Even when it hurts.  Especially when it hurts.

Linking up with my blogging brother in Christ, Duane Scott for Unwrapping God's Promises.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Wish I Could

Today, brothers and sisters, we have a very special treat for our faith poetry link up. My friend, Rev. James (Aswin Clyde to some) has graciously agreed to share, for the first time, some of his poetry. Be inspired! Be gracious! Be willing to share yours as well! Link up is live, and at the bottom of this post.

  I Wish

I wish that I could do more,
Yet all around me people say to slow down, pace yourself, enjoy yourself, Do less!
All the while I see the pain and need, I just wish my body would do more.
Is this so odd or strange, don’t we all want to do more?

I wish that I knew more,
Yet all around me people say foolish things and are lapsing in a coma of ignorance!
All the while I see my mind is racing to understand, why children cry and society dies.
Is this so odd or strange, don’t we all want to know more?

I wish that I could pray more,
Yet all around me people say “get up, for your knees are getting dirty and starting to bleed!
All the while I see that there is no voice to call out in heaven for them and the pain keeps getting worse.
Is this so odd or strange, don’t we all want to feel salvation and know the feeling of joy more?

I wish that I could empower more,
Yet all around me people say they are happy and content with mediocrity!
All the while I see that it is easier to play the fool than soar as an eagle.
Is this so odd or strange, don’t we all want to uplift and encourage more?

I wish that I could be more,
Yet all around me people say “why try”, give up for greater is he that is out there then he that is in you!
All the while I see that this is wrong for it is just my inability to give up, show humility, to be more.
Is this so odd or strange, don’t we all want to be transformed and ever, “be more”?

Link your poetry here, be sure to visit the other poets who have shared, and leave some love in the comments below for our guest Rev. James.

Share your links for faith poetry.  Be sure to visit those who shared here and leave them some love.



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Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Don't Trust Auto Post Poetry

There is a story, if it has tires or....anyway the punch line is you'll have trouble with it.  Auto post does that to me.  Not often but always when I need it.

Sorry we are late today, will make the linkup last a day longer...

Feel free to share poetry, new or old, celebrating our faith!

Although this is a dedication plaque for a Mennonite Heritage Village,
I love the verse and dedicate it to all Christian women. All over the world.

Share your links for faith poetry.  Be sure to visit those who shared here and leave them some love.



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Monday, June 4, 2012

It is NOT what it is

It is what it is.

Have I mentioned I don't like that saying?  I don't. But I didn't know why until this morning.

It is true.  That dog, it is what it is, a dog.  But it is more!  

It is true.  That plant, it is what it is, a plant.  But it is MORE!

It is true.  That person, it is what it is, a person.  BUT WE ARE MORE!

By limiting ourselves, by accepting that something by saying, usually with a shrug and a bit of defeat, it is what it is.  We are limiting ourselves and we are limiting our God.

He is a farmer, fisherman, homeless guy, tax collector, thief. 

She is a worry wart, perfectionist, prostitute, widow.

God teaches us everything, every single thing, is more than what it appears.  Nothing, not one single thing falls under the heading: 


Unless we are willing to discount our God, be defeated in our faith and reduced to five words.  And we aren`t willing are we?  I am not!  God is not.  You should not.

“Yours, LORD, is the greatness and the power and the glory and the splendor and the majesty, for everything in the heavens and on earth belongs to You. Yours, LORD, is the kingdom, and You are exalted as head over all.” 1 Chronicles 29:11 HCSB

Matthew 22:29
Jesus answered them, “You are deceived, because you don’t know the Scriptures or the power of God.

If it was true, this saying, then that grain of wheat would not grow hundreds more.

If this was true, then they would have stayed fishermen, John would have stayed in the wilderness and Mary would have been stoned to death.  But God is always more!  We are always more!

Reducing things to those five words is a dangerous habit.  It does not require us to act in faith, it does not push us forward in serving others.  It is a sideline seat to watch the world, and life, go by without getting into the action.

It is trouble with a job.  It is an opportunity for grace.  It is a nudge to pray.  

It is an old house.  It is a home.  It is where God wants you to be right now.

It is a hurt, a fear, a heart break.  It is a place to start praying.  It is room for forgiveness.

It is what we are willing to let God make it.  Can we set aside our desire for control to let Him work a wonderful grace filled miracle in our lives?

Get a flower, or a pencil or even a playing card and when you are temped to say, IT IS WHAT IT IS, remember how much more they really are.  Then think about God, and how much more YOU are through Him.

Friday, June 1, 2012

Sailing Lessons

A while back I wrote a poem called Get Out of The Boat on my poetry blog.

I am still working on it, this getting out of the boat and walking with Jesus on the water.

It isn't easy.  The boat is filled with well meaning people who offer all sorts of seemingly sound advice.  They may even offer their prayers.  But what they are not offering is a hand to walk out in faith,.

Why?  Why?


I wish I knew.  Maybe their own doubts hold them back and that encourages them to hold everyone else back?  Maybe their desire to be safe is greater than their fear of the water?

What God has been impressing upon my heart lately though is this:

Get Out Of The Boat!

You know the story, right?  If not, refresh yourself here at Matthew 14:22-33

A friend of mine wrote a book, against a lot of advice from people in her church, advice that would have denied a lot of people access to God's wisdom spoken through her.

A number of acquaintances are seeking to find truth in strange places while they stay safe on the boat.  You can, for example, read all the Amish books you want.  You can simplify your life.  It will not make you Amish.    They too, are people seeking God.  In their own way.  But God`s way for them may not be God`s way for you.

You may try to appear in a certain way.  Speaking in a certain fashion, perhaps.  This helps you appear wise.  Calm.  Godly.  Passionless.  Dead.  

SAFE on the BOAT!

Lukewarm on the boat.  In the middle rows.  Not at the helm, not working the mast.  Not on the rudder or rowing. Sitting and watching some fool stepping over the side. 

Brothers and sisters...can I ask you for something...

When someone gets out of the boat, even starts talking about it, cheer them on!

Shout some prayers of encouragement!

Remind them to focus on the face of Jesus across the waves.

It isn`t our job to keep them in the boat when God calls them out of it!

I would love to hear your stories of getting out of the boat...share them with us in the comments.