Monday, April 15, 2013

You are here

Proverbs 16:9 (NIV)In their hearts humans plan their course,but the Lord establishes their steps.

Lord I want to serve. Serve them.
Lord I want a home. Home is where you are.
Lord I want to make a difference. Make a difference with them.
Lord where do you want us. Where I put you.

I've been quiet and have felt like I had nothing to say.  So I didn't say anything. I needed to be quiet and do some listening.  To God. To the Holy Spirit. To Jesus.

I am some days so confused. So down. Feeling so small in my faith.  A fool. A failure. A Titus woman. A Proverbs 31 wife. Not so much. 

God honours our faith. He always has.  When we wander in the desert. When we are making idols because God seems so far away. When we strike out in anger instead of touching in love. When we forget, busy being human, that we belong to Him.

We plan. Sometimes we scheme. We dream. Sometimes we conspire. We fall. We rise. We fall again. We rise again. Each step we follow our hearts, and where are hearts are, there also is what we treasure.  When we follow our hearts to God, we find all the treasure of heaven.  

Selfish me misses things packed away. Forgetting so many have nothing.  Sad me feels hurt by unthinking words. Forgetting so many have no one to speak to them.  Frustrated me wants to know what comes next. Forgetting for many the next thing is terrifyingly clear. 

Sparrows and daily bread. Have you ever thought about just those two things?  God knows where each of His creations is, how they are doing, and He knows it minute by minute. Second by second.  Daily bread. Not a week. Not a month. Daily. God expects us to work for Him. And have faith in Him. Daily. He knows us so well. And loves us still.

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