Thursday, December 22, 2011

Mary's Faith

Luke 1:38
 “I am the Lord’s servant,” Mary answered. “May your word to me be fulfilled.” 
Then the angel left her.

Mary, in a show of complete obedience to God, speaks her faith and then lives it.  It could not have been easy. Young, unmarried, pregnant, a Jewish country girl. None of these things proclaimed her as the mother of a king.  And yet she willingly and openly accepted God's will for her.  Granted she was told by an angel.  And that is a pretty persuasive personage I'm sure!  And yet...after the glow of angelic presence left, she stayed true. 

Read Luke 1:38 again. Mary accepts God's will. She also states clearly that she holds an expectation of that fulfillment.  She wasn't leaving it open, "uh okay Lord, if you still think this is a good idea..." She stated firmly, and with conviction, May YOUR WORD to me be fulfilled

What a wonderful expectation!  Not only does Mary model acceptance for us, but also expectation.  God promises and keeps His word. We can count on it. Now, then and forever!  The promise in her belly, that grew beneath her heart, was the greatest gift this world ever saw.  It came from free will in all directions.

God had to will, freely, the salvation of His creation.  Jesus had to will, freely, the sacrifice He would make.  Mary had to will, freely, the use of her body, her youth, her love, energy and life, for His growing, birthing, nurturing, loving and entry into adulthood.

What a wonderful agreement!  No wonder the angels sang!  Humans have shown themselves to be either mightily faithful or terribly selfish.  At no time before or since has God been so intimately in an agreement with a person, let alone a woman!  People have been asked to give up their lives, their fortunes, their very breath and yet this woman gave something so precious. 

Mary's faith was the faith that nurtured the baby Jesus, the toddler and the young man.  Mary's heart, her body, fed him and cared for him.  She loved, cherished and nurtured the human baby boy who was the Son of God.  She promised to be obedient and she was. She encouraged Jesus as only a mother could.

What do you think of Mary's faith?  What does she model for you?

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