Sunday, March 25, 2012

She served them

Luke 4:38-39  He entered Simon’s house. Simon’s mother-in-law was suffering from a high fever, and they asked Him about her.  So He stood over her and rebuked the fever, and it left her. She got up immediately and began to serve them.

I remember hearing some ladies talking about this verse one day at a Bible Study.  They were greatly offended that she 'had' to get up and serve them after being sick.  I often wondered how that could be.

Over the years this verse has challenged me.

A high fever makes you weak, you are tired.  Your body aches and you just feel terrible.  Even if you could get up you'd be too weak to do anything.

A woman in that time, and even today, often loves to serve in her home..  She provides food, shelter and care.  She serves willingly and with a serving heart for God.

This woman and her family obviously knew Jesus.  She would have been mortified that she couldn't serve her family and guest.  Her heart would have been broken.

I believe that Jesus did more than rebuke a fever.  I think he renewed a spirit and a body so they could work together in harmony, serving.  Not as a slave, but as a woman who could give good food, and good hospitality to her guests that honours her house and her family.

Jesus knew her heart, and her body.  He knew what she needed.  She needed to be well to serve. 

Out of love. 

Not obligation.

That is where I got confused by those well meaning ladies.  They served their families out of an obligation and likely felt little or no respect or honour in it.  How sad for them.  They missed a great opportunity to find something special in ministering by serving.

Jesus served and ministered the same way.  He knew better than us all the needs of a serving heart.

I'm so thankful He blessed me with a serving heart, and that He renews me when I feel a pint, quart or small lake's worth low. He knows.  He provides.  He heals.

How does this verse speak to you?  Would love to hear!

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